By JP Buntinx, 8/20/2017

Recordkeeping is always a controversial concept where crime is concerned. Various details are often never documented at all, or are documented inaccurately. Coming up with a solution to tackle this problem is not so easy. Now that we live in a digital age, one would expect recordkeeping to become less problematic. Sadly, that is not the case. In fact, it seems this area has devolved into a mixture of proper documentation and patchy work.

When it comes to documenting and tracking hate crimes across the U.S., a lot of work needs to be done. Given recent activity across the country involving potential hate crimes, keeping track of these important moments in history becomes all the more important. Google and Propublica have acknowledged that a solution has to be created, and they want to be the ones to find that solution. The companies plan to jointly use machine learning as a tool to document these crimes. Artificial intelligence  has never been used for this particular purpose, yet it seems rather straightforward to do so.

The Documenting Hate News Index will scour the web for news articles involving hate crime. It will then collect that information and attempt to build a bigger picture. It will only work with a raw feed of Google News articles, which will then be put through the Google Cloud Natural language API to create a visual tool. This information will be updated continuously and in real time.

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